Steven R. Seiden
PhD Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pratt School of Engineering
Duke University
Advised by Dr. Emily Wenger in the Argus Lab
👋 Hi! Welcome to my personal website! I am currently pursuing a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University.
I am studying the security impact of rapidly advancing artificial intelligence. In my free time I enjoy
photography, cooking, cycling, yoga, various racket sports and taking care of my many houseplants. My
technology-related hobbies include tinkering with
old technology (both software and hardware) and repairing electronics.
I received my bachelor's degree from Louisiana State University, where I majored in computer science with a concentration in cybersecurity. I graduated with College Honors as a Distinguished Researcher and Communicator in May 2024. My undergraduate thesis is titled Tapping .IPAs: An Automated Analysis of iPhone Applications
Using Apple Silicon Macs and is set to be presented at DFRWS EU 2025. I was also heavily involved with the Society of Peer Mentors and LSU Discover Research Ambassador during my time as an undergraduate.
Areas of Interest: Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Reverse Engineering and Systems Security.
I am beginning my research at Duke University by studying the intersection of AI and software/systems security.
I have worked on a wide variety of research projects, most of which have broadly related to computer security.
At LSU I worked under a variety of computer forensics projects under Dr. Ibrahim (Abe) Baggili.
I also previously under Dr. Chen Wang studying privacy and human-computer interaction.
From May 2023-July 2023, I participated in an REU at Rice University. There I performed a security analysis
of the distributed network congestion control algorithm Poseidon under Dr. Eugene Ng.
Will present Tapping .IPAs: An Automated Analysis of iPhone Applications Using Apple Silicon Macs at DFRWS EU 2025
I will be beginning my PhD as a research assistant at Duke University this fall! Thank you to everyone who helped make this dream a reality.
Presented at LSU's 2024 Discover Day
Presented I’ve Got You, Under My Skin: Biohacking Augmentation Implant Forensics at EAI ICDF2C 2023 (Best Paper Award)
Presented On the Application of Synthetic Media to Penetration Testing with Nathalia Soares at ACM ASIACCS WDC
Began my summer REU position at Rice University
© 2023 Steven Seiden - Updated 06/05/24